10 March 2025
Online CRS Database: No more manual updates!

We are pleased to announce that a test app version is available for CRS Windows, where the Online Database option can be selected to search for a vehicle in the very extensive CRS vehicle database.

We have been asked by many fire brigades around the world if it would be possible not to have to download a large vehicle database locally. This wish has now been fulfilled. By selecting the Online Database option in the settings, the Crash Recovery System no longer uses a locally downloaded database, but an online database. However, this requires a stable internet connection on the device for both the number plate and manual vehicle selection.

By using this feature, users will no longer have to manually download the free database update every month. New vehicles will be available automatically.

Testers wanted
To test this very useful feature, we are looking for CRS users who want to try it out and share their feedback. The Online database option is currently only available for CRS Windows. A link to the installation file is available upon request by emailing us at crs.support@bliksund.com

The option can be activated in the advanced settings, which requires starting CRS with administrator rights. Now, follow the steps in the settings menu.