4 July 2024
App update available
Crash Recovery System

We have released a new App update for the Crash Recovery System. It concerns an update for Windows (version and the mobile versions Android (version 3.102) and iOS (version 3.103). You can download the latest version available for your operating system from the support page of our website.


What has changed?
The following functions and improvements have been made:




Windows (version, Android (version 3.102) and iOS (version 3.103)


  • Changes implemented to enable number plate searches for new countries
  • New logo’s for CRS app (Mobile and Windows) and app stores
  • Experience improved for CRS Mobile on smartphones.
  • Bug fixes


The new Windows release can be downloaded directly from our website: https://download.crashrecoverysystem.com/windows.

Please note:
Make sure your device supports the new version. For example, installing CRS iOS requires a device that supports at least iOS Version 15.0. Update your device if necessary.


Minimum System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1809, Android Version 8.0 or iOS Version 15.0
  • 2GB RAM Memory
  • 32GB Storage Space
  • True Color display with XGA resolution (1024×768)
Moditech Rescue Solutions - Kia-CRS-EN
Moditech Rescue Solutions - IMG_1646

If you would like support updating the Crash Recovery System, please send your questions to: crs.support@bliksund.com.

Moditech Crash Recovery System: Know what’s Inside. Act with Confidence!