8 August 2024
Also Italian number plates can be queried in CRS

Thanks to the implementation of some technical changes, number plate search is now possible for more countries. After installing the Crash Recovery System app update in early September 2024, the selection procedure with number plate search will also be available for Italian number plates (a CRS Full Edition licence is required). This means that vehicles with Italian number plates can be queried from now on.

We are more than happy to make it much easier for first responders in countries where number plate queries in the Crash Recovery System are not yet possible to quickly and easily query the correct vehicle. This method of querying saves valuable time during rescue operations, allowing first responders to quickly, safely, and efficiently save the life of the occupant(s).

In the Number plate selection screen, the registration number of the relevant vehicle can be entered, or the number plate can be scanned using the device’s camera. Thanks to our Vehicle Identification Service (VIS), the number plate is forwarded to the correct data provider, ideally resulting in a single search result.

Following Italy, two more countries will become available for the Crash Recovery System number plate search. We will also add Spain and Portugal to the list in the coming months.

Moditech Crash Recovery System: Know what’s Inside. Act with Confidence!